Writing Here Writing There Writing Everywhere!

Since my departure from my job as a wireless telecommunications “Engineer IV Specialist – Equipment” back in December of 2017, I have been putting much more energy into my writing. In fact, I am currently working part time as a web content writer, and it has been a wonderful experience.

Besides, my web content writing part-time job, I have been focusing on completing my second co-authored nonfiction book, finally completing a screenplay I have been working on for several years, and co-authoring a series of technical handbooks for non-technical professionals working in the wireless telecommunications industry.

My greatest challenge in writing is balancing my time between my various writing projects. An acquaintance of mine shared with me something that he learned about balancing time and setting priorities. He said he learned to work by the F.O.C.U.S. principle, which is “Follow one course until successful.” Wise words indeed.

I have decided to try the “FOCUS” principle on a day-to-day basis; meaning I will only work on two writing projects on any particular day. Since my web content writing job brings home the proverbial bacon, it has to have at least five days of focus a week along with one other writing project on those days.

The other writing projects are the technical handbook series, my second nonfiction book, my mother’s memoirs, and my fantasy novel. So, the goal is to have at least one day out of the week where I am focused on my web content and one other writing project. My “successful” completion will be based on a set goal each day.

Give the F.O.C.U.S. principle a try to see if it works for you.

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